Grace Series click here for statement Perfumed, Sealed and Fasting, 60″x48″, 2017Dignity, Eyed and Hunger, 60″x48″, 2017Not East or West, or Night or Day, 60″x60″, 2017The Ways We Add up Breath, 60″x60″, 2017Well Hidden from Well Hidden Things, 60″x60″, 2017Quiet as Years of New-Moon Light, 60″x60″, 2017Silent Ocean, Sound in a River, 60″x60″, 2017Instinctively Leaves Us Filled, 18″x14″, 2017Instinctively Leaves Us Clean, 18″x14″, 2017To What will Be of Light,12″x24″, 2017The Agreement Between Sunlight and Quiet Places, 26″x32″, 2017To What Will Be of Light,12.5″x40″, 2017Meeting it Where it Wants, 12″x16″, 2017Rhythmically Down and Rested,12″x16″, 2017Floating Near the Surface, 11″x11″, 2017I Will Go Out, I Can Explain, 10″x17″, 2017Take Breath of it Here 1&2, 2×18″x24, 2017Too Heavy to Break, 14″x11″, 2017Possibly Calm Steps, 12.5″x26″, 2017From Press to Fall, 12″x24″, 2017For What is to Be Known, 12″x24″, 2017Something Bold and Armored, 12.5″x12″, 2017Evidence of Deposited Intimacy, 18″x24″, 2017Deseado y Hecho Redondo, 18″x24″, 2017Enduring, Pleased, and Listening, 18″x24″, 2017Farther Parts of Living, 18″x24″, 2017Sent and Reach Far, 11.5″x9″Now Listener, You Add This, 18″x24″, 2017Consider Instead, 30″x46″, 2017L 3, 9″x6″, 2017L 1, 9″x6″, 2017L 4, 9″x6″, 2017L 2, 9″x6″, 2017Press Until I Say This, 10″x8″, 2017