2012-2014 Untitled, 72"x60" If They Can Push Rain, 60"x96" If They Can Push Rain, 60"x96" No Dust Gathers, 18"x24" That Which Would Perish, 50"x100" For This, 48"x60" Therefore, an Assumption, 30" x 22"" Flores to Sarah’s, 3x12"x12" The Pride of Cyclicity and Nests, 42"x54" Far from Here, 20"x48" Each Avenue's Periodic Spring, 30"x30" Scatter from this Encampment, 23"x31" Blue Sky and Early Grass, 24"x36" Now for the Long Term, 61"x86" The Tilt of an Ideal Day, 31"x47" These Particular Circumstances, 40"x30" A Proper Air, 14"x11" untitiled untitled